Tickets for UEFA Euro Cup online

The UEFA Euro Cup is one of the most expected events in the world, just below the World Cup and the World Olympics, and like the Super Bowl the process of buying tickets is performed through a draw which will determine which applicants eligible to purchase tickets at the opening price.

Those who do not participate in the draw but still desire to attend a Euro Cup match can still buy one in the secondary market online and offline, but prices will be higher and increase as the match days come closer or demand for tickets sky rockets.

Here we will explain the entire process of how to acquire an UEFA Cup ticket by difference means. But first a few facts about the UEFA Euro Cup 2016.

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UEFA Euro Cup 2016 Facts

UEFA Euro Cup 2016 takes place between June 10th and July 10th of 2016 in France, through ten hosts across the country.

The UEFA Euro Cup takes place every 4 years, right in between the World Cup.

How Much do Tickets for the UEFA Euro Cup Cost?

Tickets for the UEFA Euro Cup start at an opening price of €25 and increase depending on the type of seating and stage of the tournament [1]. There are 4 categories of tickets and 5 stages of the Euro Cup: Group Matches, Round of 16, Quarter Finals, Semi-Finals, Opening Match (which includes the opening ceremony) and the Final (which includes the closure ceremony.

This ticket price is incredibly cheap compared to the average price of similar high-class events like the Super Bowl that boasts ticket prices of around $2,000 dollars for the regular seating.

But getting UEFA Euro tickets is just as hard as getting a Super Bowl tickets and it isn´t just a matter of rising early to stay in long lines to buy the ticket. Eligibility to buy Euro Cup tickets are done through a draw process.

Here is the full list of prices for all UEFA Euro Cup tickets [2]:

Ticket Prices

Category 4

Category 3

Category 2

Category 1

Group Matches

€25 €55 €105 €145

Round of 16

€25 €55 €105 €145

Quarter Finals

€45 €85 €135 €195

Semi – Finals

€65 €165 €295 €495

Opening Match

€75 €195 €395 €595


€85 €295 €595 €895

How Many Tickets Are Available for the UEFA Euro Cup?

1 million tickets will be available for the Euro Cup through the entire month of the games. 75% of those tickets will be sold to supporters that subscribe to the draw, the rest will be sold on the secondary market at superior prices.

Types of Tickets Available for the UEFA Euro Cup

Euro Cup Seat Types

Single Tickets – Singles tickets allow entry to one single match. UEFA draw participants can buy up to 2 single tickets and select the category of seating. Single tickets do not include the advantage of staying to watch the following match in the same stadium. You can buy tickets for either of the 51 matches without having to purchase the bundles.

Destination Tickets – Destination tickets are named this way because the allow entry to a particular stadium, and not necessarily a single match.

These allow entry to watch two matches at the same stadium. There are 10 stadiums to available to select from and matches occur 2 days in between each other.

Accessibility Tickets – These are for disabled people wanting to attend the Euro Cup and require a wheelchair or easy access to seats. The locations of these seats are very near the field with ample space in secure boxes. A complimentary ticket comes with an Accessibility Ticket for a companion. Those who desire to apply for these types of tickets need to present a valid document confirming their disability.

Tickets for the Disabled and or Physically Impaired

Tickets for the disabled and physically impaired are the Accessibility Tickets. These are mainly for those that require a wheelchair or other means to get around. The ticket prices as in category 4, the cheapest but the location is always close to amenities like food stores, bathrooms and exits.

Different locations exist around the stadium but most are near the field on the lower end.

A courtesy ticket will be given to a companion.

IMPORTANT: Proof of disability is required to buy the Accessibility Tickets, this document should be whatever document is presented in your home country.

UEFA Tickets Seating Map by Category

This are the possible seating areas for a Euro Cup match:

Category 1: Center seating tickets.

Category 2: Corner tickets, high and low.

Category 3: Behind the Goals

Category 4: Behind the goals on the highest and lowest levels.

*Note: Accessibility Tickets will always be Category 4 tickets (referring to price) but its location will always be of easy access around the field and low with proper security and assistance measures.

UEFA Euro Cup Destination Tickets

Destination tickets are the best option for those wanting to get the best of the Euro Cup. For one they allow entry to two games in the same stadium with 3 or 5 days in between the games. Destination Tickets are all category 1 tickets which are the best seating option, center tickets.

Destination Ticket Price: 290 EUR

Stadium Match Numbers Stadium Match Numbers
Bordeaux 3 11 Nice 36 44
Lens Agglomeration 31 39 Paris 5 14
Lille Metropole 35 41 Saint Denis 33 43
Lyon 17 25 Saint Etienne 20 28
Marseille 23 29 Toulouse 19 27

Opening Match and Ceremony Tickets

Euro Cup First Match Tickets

Opening match tickets are more expensive than for regular matches as it includes the joy of watching the opening ceremony that usually includes fireworks, singing performances by the top artists in the world and theatrical performances.

UEFA Opening Match tickets begin at a price of €75 and are only topped by the Final Match ticket prices.

Discount Tickets for the EUFA Euro

There aren´t any discount tickets for the Euro Cup, not for children, disabled, elderly or groups. All tickets are only distributed by UEFA itself and do not follow any promotional program.

How Many UEFA Tickets Can Be Purchased per Person?

The UEFA draw allows for a single person to purchase a maximum of tickets for 4 people and any number of matches as long as they do not occur during the same day (why would someone require tickets for two different matches happening during the same day?).

Only one price category is allowed per person soliciting the tickets, so you cannot apply for a central seating and a near goal area ticket.

UEFA does not offer group tickets like you might find in some other sport events, like offers to company groups.

When Do Ticket Sales for UEFA Euro Cup Begin?

The tickets for the UEFA Euro Cup begin one year before the event, for the 2016 tournament the tickets began to be sold on June 10th 2015 and closed on July 10th 2015.

The process to buy a ticket is conducted through a draw [3], but only if applications exceed the supply of tickets. This same process is carried out in other high-class events like the Super Bowl.

How to Buy Tickets for the Same Team on All Matches for his Group Stage

The possibility exists to purchase tickets to all the games of your national team. The process of acquiring this package happens through a similar draw as the early tickets but happened at a different date, after the qualifying phase which occurs one year before the Euro Cup.

So by the final months of 2015 fans can purchase ticket entrances for their national teams and follow them around the France.

Tickets Cannot Be Bought at the Match Day

If you were thinking about heading over to the stadium and finding a ticket booth to purchase the tickets, is not going to happen.

No tickets are available during match day for security reasons, mainly to fight the black market re-sale of tickets that inflates ticket prices.

External Links

[1], Ticket Info, 2015

[2], Ticket Types, 2015

[3], Subscribe to the Draw, 2015