carl jr super bowl commercialThe Super Bowl is one of the most-watched events in the United States, the perfect opportunity for advertisers to present their products to millions of people, and this was what Carl’s Jr. Hamburgers knows very well.



The commercial shows the model Charlotte McKinney, walking through the streets of a marketplace being watched by all the men while she’s completely naked. At least it seemes so until she exposes herself at the end of the commercial with a bikini, eating and announcing the “natural hamburger” of Carl’s Jr.

What Carl’s Jr has to say

The annunciators hold that the ad  sends a message to “hungry guys”, referring specifically to a core of 18-34 years old hungry customers that love Carl´s burgers… and big busted girls.

The ad hasn’t been taken in a very good manner by feminist circles that dennounce the commercial as sexist. It has not been the only time that the burger company does a commercial like this, it has also shown Paris Hilton and Kate Upton in its sexist commercials.

Carl Jr Super Bowl Comercial photoCarl Jr Super Bowl Comercial photo


The commercial has given a lot to talk about, but the truth is that the propiate place and moment for the commercial is the Super Bowl. We might argue that the event is a family thing… but we promote betting in the Super Bowl, who are we to ban Super Bowl commercials?

Carl’s Jr Hamburger Super Bowl Commercial

 And here to refresh your memory, Carl’s Junior Paris Hilton Commercial, Super Bowl 2005

 And Kate Upton´s Commercial

 And while we are at it… why not the best of Carl Junior´s commercials?